JESUS, you gave me DOMINION over sin and death. Therefore, I BOLDLY take full AUTHORITY granted to me by You, to cleanse and heal this hospital room.
In Jesus Christ’s name, I sever any and all communication between the strongman over this entire hospital; even his reinforcements set up throughout these halls against everyone in it.
I command every foul spirit and spirit of infirmity, deceit, unforgiveness, misunderstanding, confusion, whether territorial or non-territorial, invited or uninvited, to leave this Hospital now. In Jesus name, never to return. You may not influence over my “_________” or any other person who enters his/her room or this hospital, especially while they are here.
Holy Spirit of Truth––flood this Hospital room with YOUR Truth, Wisdom, Grace, Repentance, Understanding, Forgiveness, Love, Peace and Health.
Lord, bring up out of the darkness and expose anyone or anything on this property that did not nor does not honor Jesus name. I ask that any voodoo, sorcery, witchcraft, murder, manipulation, word curses, or deception be revealed and dealt with in Jesus Christ’s name.
Father, I ask You to cleanse this land, this time and the spiritual lines connecting us with those who have gone before us, and I plead the blood of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I bring every curse, every sin, whatever violence was done against others here, or whatever wrong responses were made due to pain and I ask every covenant, every agreement, and every contract with the powers of darkness to be annulled. I bring them under the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ.
Bless every hand, every foot and every heart that steps onto this room. Lord, may Your glory shine upon all the faces of this family. We will praise You and You alone.
In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.